About Me

My name is Samantha Ramirez, i am 15 years old and my birthday is on September 30. I enjoy playing soccer and practicing my flag work.

Friday, April 28, 2017

The 10 Indian Commandments

The 10 Indian Commandments

  1. Treat the Earth and all that dwells therein with respect.
  2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
  3. Show great respect to your fellow beings.
  4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
  5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
  6. Do what you know to be right.
  7. Look after the well being of mind and body.
  8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
  9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
  10. Take full responsibility for your actions.

These 10 commandments have very powerful words and meanings.All these commandments require CTR actions. Following these commandments can lead you to having a good future. I believe that because when you do good you get good in return. Even doing it as a random act of kindness is an amazing thing to do. An example of one of these commandments can be Telling the truth always and don't blame another person for doing something you did. This example falls under the 10th commandment. Taking full responsibility for your actions instead of blaming someone else for something you did is something you should always do because choosing the wrong is never the way to go. These commandments have made me realize that being a humble good human being and choosing the right is the best choice to make because consequences come with every bad thing you do. Another example of one of these commandments is always being kind to others and doing something for another person that will make them smile. Doing something for someone who feels alone in this world will make them feel very special and important and that is an act of kindness. There should have to be no reason to be nice or kind to someone it should be an everyday thing. These commandments are all actions of CTR.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Alexander Hamilton

“A promise must never be broken.”

To me this quote is really powerful because i absolutely agree with it. I agree with this quote because i truly believe that people should not promise something to someone if they aren't going to go through with whatever the promise was. Keeping a promise is not hard at all. Not keeping a promise can be very hurtful and make someone feel bad. The consequences can be karma. Keeping a promise is for example, “I promise i will come to practice tomorrow.”. This is like making an agreement to something and you breaking it is basically like you’re lying. An example of breaking a promise is saying “ i promise to go over tonight “. By breaking this promise the person who made the promise would have to let the other person know that they won't be able to go over anymore. I feel like when someone breaks a promise to you it sucks and it would make me feel some type a way. People who keep their promise are people who stay true to others and for that it clearly means they are choosing the right.

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Orthopedic Surgeon

Orthopedic Surgeon

Duties and Responsibilities: Provide treatment for people with musculoskeletal disorders.

Salary: $40-206  (hourly)

Education: Bachelor's Degree, 4 years of college, and a pre-med program.

Demand or need for this profession: Must have excellent communication skills.


I don't think i would want this to be my career because it doesn't seem interesting to me and i know i wouldn't enjoy it.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Henry David Thoreau

“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”

This quote is very meaningful and very true. What this quote means is that when you invest your time on something that isn't good it will not be worth it but when you invest your time on something great it never fails you. This is saying that when you invest your time on good things it gets you places and investing your time on badness gets you nowhere. For example, Investing your time on something good would be like going to school. Investing your time on school is goodness because eventually all that time and work that was put into it will have a great outcome. An example of badness is doing drugs every day. This is badness because when you do drugs it is unhealthy and it gets you nowhere in life. It's much better to invest your time on good things rather than on bad because it's best to be educated and successful rather than to be a low life with no future. Investing your time on good things don't fail you because they are good and doing good things means that you are choosing the right. Investing your time on relationships and friendships when you are still young is badness because people never really have good intentions and it's best to focus on things that will provide you a great future like your education.

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Duties and Responsibilities: Examine, treat, and diagnose dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies.

Salary: Could get paid up to 250,000.

Education: Graduate school, Master's degree, and a PH.D.

Demand or need for this profession: Good knowledge and experience.

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I do not think i would want to become an Orthodontist because i wouldn't want to work with people's mouths. It does not interest me because it's not what i want to be and i want to be something i love and enjoy doing.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Theodore Hesburgh

Student Success Statement

“My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they are easy; you don't make them because they are cheap; you don't make them because they’re popular; you make them because they are right.”

What this quote means to me is that you do something only because you feel it's right. Making decisions because they are easy is a good thing because when making good decisions you are onto a new, good path. Making cheap decisions is a wrong thing to do. An example of a good decision is turning in my homework on time and having it completed. Making that decision means i decided to keep my grade on track and tried improving it for my own good. Making a cheap decision can for example be cheating on a test or plagiarizing These decisions are no good because cheating your way out through life will get you nowhere and plagiarizing can put you in jail. I truly believe and agree that you shouldn't make decisions because they are popular for example ditching school. Ditching school is not a good decision especially if you are just being a follower. When doing something bad you are automatically involved with the wrong crowd. I am with the concept of making decisions because they are right.

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Optometry Technician

Optometry Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: Optometrists work on doing eye exams and eye treatments to patients.

Salary: $30,590.

Education: A high school diploma is required, training programs and an associate degree.

Demand or Need for this profession: 23% growth for medical assistants.

I do not think i would want to study to become an Optometrist because it doesn't interest me. I want to do something i know i will enjoy and love.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Joseph Smith

“ It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound” (not good)

To me what this quote means is that we as people should make good influences that way people concentrate on them. A good influence for example can be, to look up to someone who doesn't do drugs and does good in school. That is sound and good because it is choosing the right. Doing what's wrong is what is unsound because it's choosing the wrong. When doing good and getting awarded for doing good people concentrate on the little things and think to themselves “wow i want that”. I believe that giving your attention to the wrong things is a waste of time and will get you nowhere in life. Concentrating on good things can help you in many different ways because there's a leader to guide you through everything even if you are your own leader. BE A LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER. BE A GOOD EXAMPLE.

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School Break Days

School Break Days

  1. Something i did on my spring break was do stuff around the house like help my mom clean.
  2. Some places i went were Disneyland, Golf n Stuff, Canes, the Mall, and the park.
  3. I didn't meet anyone.
  4. Movies i watched over the break was The Notebook and My Sisters Keeper.
  5. Some sports i played was football, soccer, and volleyball.
  6. A ctr experience was when i was at the park and i seen an elderly women who needed help carrying her things and i helped her.
  7. I didn't read any books.
  8. Over my break i worked on my english and chemistry homework.

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Friday, April 7, 2017

Abraham Lincoln

“ I am not bound to win, but i am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong. “

I can relate to this quote because it is used in everyday life. What this quote is saying is that no matter who the person is you should always be true to them. For example in a friendship, even if on bad terms you should be true to them and not go talking behind their backs. When someone is wrong about something you shouldn't go and make fun of it, you should help them understand. Being true to somebody is a big responsibility because there are times when people can get really petty and make a big deal about everything. I believe it's never right to turn your back on someone. I also believe talking about people in a mean way is wrong. Staying true to people will keep you surrounded with good things in life.

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Duties and Responsibilities: Perform vision tests and analyze results.

Salary: $100K per year

Education: Doctor of Optometry Degree.

Demand or need for this profession: In 2012 there were 17 accredited doctoral optometry programs.

I think i would like to be an optometrist because it seems very interesting and they pay good.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

“Character is higher than intellect.”

“Character is higher than intellect.”

To me this means that your personality matters and shows others who you are. Intellect shows your state of mind which is the way you understand things. The way you react to and do stuff shows your character and intellect. Everyone's character is different from others and so is everybody's knowledge. For example, losing a game and your reaction to it is angry and you throw things around and stuff then that shows your character. Intellect is what you think of things. Some people can think badly or good about certain people. Everyone has intelligence, some people are just intelligent in different ways. Character and intellect are all around the world everyone is different and everyone reacts to things differently.

220px-RWEmerson1859.jpgRalph Waldo Emerson

Monday, April 3, 2017

Tyler Haws

“I trust that my hard work will pay off”.

To me this is a really powerful quote. I really like this quote because the meaning behind it is great. I truly believe that whatever you do has an outcome to it. For example, getting good grades. Getting good grades will benefit you in the future when applying to colleges, and getting to your career. Doing good at a young age will help you a lot because at the end when you are older you have a great job and a great opportunity that many others can't have. You can be whatever you want to be with effort and commitment. Following your dreams and achieving them is a responsibility and choice of your own that you choose to accomplish. I really think ANYTHING is possible if you try and don't give up. Another example can be wanting to become whether a famous basketball or football player. Practicing is hard work and when someone really wants to do something they don't give up. Practicing is hard work but when you love something you don't stop until you get there.

Tyler Haws