“When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.”
To me this quote is really deep because when something bad happens and you don't forgive the person you’ll continue to think about the hate you have for the person and what they’ve done. Forgiving someone can be very hard but i believe that it carries a lot off your chest. Carrying hate towards someone won't do you any good. Another thing is carrying guilt, it is not a good thing because it will always be kept at the back of your head. Asking for forgiveness or forgiving someone is something good to do because letting go and accepting something no matter how hard it is will make your life a lot better. For example, if someone were to accidentally hit a kid on the head while playing and the kid ends up dying the parents of the kid would be really upset towards the person who did it. But, in reality holding a grudge or hating someone is not going to change anything so forgiving people will help you accept the bad and the good.
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