About Me

My name is Samantha Ramirez, i am 15 years old and my birthday is on September 30. I enjoy playing soccer and practicing my flag work.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Brigham Young

“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right”

To me this quote means that you know you are doing what's right when you feel free. Doing what's right helps you stay out of trouble. When you are staying out of trouble you are free from many things. For example, true independence is shown when you don't do drugs, or drink alcoholic beverages. Choosing the right gives you freedom to getting many opportunities in life. Doing what's right will give you true independence and freedom. This only involves doing things that are right. Doing things that are wrong comes with consequences and that holds you back from having freedom and true independence. Some examples of good things to do is be kind, helpful, don't do drugs, don't talk bad or use bad language, and dress appropriately. Some ways to keep you from having freedom and true independence is going out and doing drugs, drinking alcohol, having sexual interactions, bullying others, using foul language, and dressing inappropriately.

Brigham Young

Monday, March 27, 2017

George Chapman

“They’re only truly great who are truly good.”

To me this quote means that only people who do good and have a good personality are the ones who are truly good. If you do good you look good. If you do good but bad then you are not truly great. For example, if you're a really good person and you go to church everyday but drink every weekend then you are not truly great because you are still choosing the wrong. To be truly great you must choose the right and always do good. What you do or how you act shows who you are. The ones who are truly great are the ones who don't do drugs, party, or get sloppy.

George Chapman

Thursday, March 23, 2017

George Mitchell

“Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition. Using steroids is cheating and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it.”

To me this quote is trying to say that feeling little pain is better than feeling long pain only because pain is not a good feeling. Using steroids is cheating because it's like you're giving yourself that extra muscle and energy while others work for it. People should not cheat in sports because sports are supposed to be fun and friendly. For example, people do a lot to get to where they are in life and when people cheat their way through their life it is unfair because others worked hard when other people are just cheating.

George Mitchell

Non-Medical Volunteer Opportunities

Non-Medical Volunteer Opportunities

1. Volunteer to help the homeless
-Takes place in the Dodger Stadium and the people helping are helping to end homeless in the city.
2. School On Wheels
-Opportunity to meet a homeless student once a week and teach them for 1 hour to improve their knowledge.

3. Volunteer Work for Animals
  • Provide Mental and Emotional care for the animals and help get them adopted.
  • Apply on http://www.welikela.com/volunteer-opportunities-los-angeles/

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

“I won't cheat”

“I won't cheat”
This quote is a really important thing in our life. Many people cheat their way out through everything. Cheating can become a very big problem and can impact people lives in different ways. For example, in college or highschool if you are taking a test and the person next to you decides to look over to your paper and copy you both can get your test taken away and can fail. This can impact people's lives by not passing the class. Cheating is a bad thing and it can lead you to a bad life. Cheating your way through life is a bad idea so choosing how you do things is always best to make sure they’re right.

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Dale Murphy

“Character Matters Most”
What this means to me is that your character is more important. By character it means your attitude and your personality. Your personality matters because it shows who you are. Who you are matters because you can be a very mean or loving person. A ctr person would have a nice, and loving personality. Having a nice and loving personality is a great thing because you receive more. Be nice and they'll be nice. You get what you give.

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St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day

Who was St. Patrick?
St. Patrick was the foremost patron saint of ireland.

What is the purpose of St. Patrick’s Day?
The purpose of St. Patrick's day is to celebrate Patrick’s death.

Why is St. Patrick's Day designated when it is?
St. Patrick's day is on March 17.

Why a certain color on St. Patrick's Day?
On St. Patrick’s Day you wear green because it traces irish roots and its political history.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Benjamin Franklin

“Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all”.

To me what this quote means is that your heart shows who you are. Your looks, strength, and money don't mean anything. That won't show who you are because what's on the inside matters more of what is on the outside. For example, if you are pretty and dress nice but are mean and have an ugly attitude then you become ugly. A pure heart tops money, looks and strength and is way more important than it. For example, if you have a kind heart it automatically makes you a good person regardless of what your strengths are how you look or how much money you have. Doing the right thing means you have a good heart. Choosing the wrong makes you ugly because the right thing is always better than doing the wrong thing.

Benjamin Franklin

Medical/Health Volunteer Opportunities

Medical/Health Volunteer Opportunities

Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center:
  • Reading to children
  • Providing patient support
  • Answering call nights
  • Assisting in hospital play rooms
To apply for this volunteer job you must create an account and submit an application on this website https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/org196940.jsp#more_info_tab

LA Animal Services:
  • Help raise the animals
  • Care for animals who could be difficult to care for
  • Keep the animals happy and healthy
To apply for this volunteer job you must submit an application to this website http://www.laanimalservices.com/pdf/volunteer/foster_application.pdf

Los Angeles Mission:
  • Help serve food for the homeless
  • Makeovers
To sign up for this volunteer event you must submit an application to http://losangelesmission.org/act/events/event-registration/

Monday, March 13, 2017

James Freeman Clarke

“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today.”

To me what this quote is trying to say is that what you do now can affect you for the rest of your life. What you do will stay with you for the rest of your life, good or bad. If i do right it will benefit me in the long run. For example, if i go to school, get a good education, follow my dreams and accomplish my goals i will be on the right path and would be doing good. Doing the wrong thing will give you consequences and can get you in so much trouble. For example, if i went into a restaurant with a gun and started shooting i know i would get caught and would have to suffer on my own. Doing the wrong thing can impact a lot of lives. You should be a leader and do the right thing that way others can follow into your footsteps.

James Freeman Clarke



Duties and responsibilities: Perform eye surgery and treat eye diseases.

Salary: $202K per year

Education: Bachelor's program, 4 year doctor of medicine program, and a 3 year ophthal residency in a hospital.

Demand or need for this profession: You need clinical practice with patients.

Reflection: I wouldn't want to be in this part of the medical field because it doesn't interests me.The pay is good but it is a lot of school. I feel as if i wouldn't be able to keep up with all the school work and stuff so i would rather just stick to another career.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Charles Ketterer

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”

This statement means you are the one to plan your future. Whatever you do in the present will reflect upon your future. If you do good now you will be good later. You are able to predict your future by creating it because you have to set goals for yourself so you can eventually reach them. Unfortunately we are unable to go to the future to see what will happen but we are capable of making what we want to happen happen. We have the ability to choose what we want to do in life and who we want to be. A person is capable of doing anything because NOTHING is impossible.

Charles Ketterer

Operating Room Technician

Operating Room Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: Prepare the operating room, they make sure all surgical tools and supplies needed are ready, they keep track of all the items used during the surgery, they deliver the patient to a recovery room and lastly they clean up the room where the surgery took place.

Salary: $19.21 per hour

Education: High School Diploma, or GED.

Demand or Need for this profession: During the surgery they can observe the patient.

Yes i think i would become a operating room technician because it seems interesting and it is in the medical field. I know i would enjoy this because i am always excited about learning about new things.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Otto Graham, Jr.

“Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly.”

To me this quote means that before doing something you should ask yourself if it’s right or wrong. If it’s wrong you should act accordingly to it and not do it because you know it is not right. Choosing to do something when right is always the best way to go because it keeps you out of trouble. Acting accordingly to the right things rather than the wrong things means you are CTR. For example, bullying. Bullying is something wrong and something that shouldn't happen. Before choosing to do something you know you aren't supposed to do act accordingly and think about the consequences that may occur.

coahcg.JPGOtto Graham, Jr.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Alexander Pope

“Act well your part; there all honor lies.”

To me this quote means that if you do your part in something that you know is not right you are a part of lying even if you try to hide it. Lying is a bad thing because eventually the truth is known. It is always better to tell the truth that way you are not caught up into trouble. Telling the truth makes you a CTR person and that is a good thing because a CTR person never gets into trouble. For example, if you're at a store and your friends say you steal this and this and this and you think you won't get caught, eventually you will because the truth always comes out one way or another. In that moment of stealing you didn't think about the consequences and you know what you were doing was wrong but you did it anyways.

220px-Alexander_Pope_by_Michael_Dahl.jpgAlexander Pope

Nursing Home Administrator

Nursing Home Administrator
Duties and responsibilities: Evaluate an elderly residents daily needs they possess a work knowledge of the physical and psychological effects of the aging process.

Salary: $106,410

Education: Bachelor's degree in health care administration.

Demand or need for this profession: The annual mean salary for the health service managers at a health service care facility was $95,4000 as of May 2015.
I think i would like to become a nursing home administrator. I enjoy helping others when needed, and i love elderly people.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Rachel Castillo

“If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of”.

What this quote means to me is that when you do the right things you live a better life. When you live a better life you’re being taken care of. The world we live in is cruel and it is always hard to make the right choices but the people who want to live a good life are the ones who do good. This is pretty much saying if you chose the right you’re taken care of physically, emotionally and mentally. For example, If i were to see someone drop money on the floor when walking and i picked it up and returned it to the person, i wouldn't get rewarded with money but i know that my reward would be given by god.

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The Neurosurgeon

The Neurosurgeon

Duties and Responsibilities: A neurosurgeon is a surgeon who does surgery on the brain or another nerve tissue.

Salary: $384,576 per year

Education: Doctorate Degree

Demand or need for this profession: A license is required to practice medicine.


I don't think i wouldn't be interested in doing something like this  because i feel i'd be afraid to see that. Not that it's disgusting but i would feel really uncomfortable.