“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right”
To me this quote means that you know you are doing what's right when you feel free. Doing what's right helps you stay out of trouble. When you are staying out of trouble you are free from many things. For example, true independence is shown when you don't do drugs, or drink alcoholic beverages. Choosing the right gives you freedom to getting many opportunities in life. Doing what's right will give you true independence and freedom. This only involves doing things that are right. Doing things that are wrong comes with consequences and that holds you back from having freedom and true independence. Some examples of good things to do is be kind, helpful, don't do drugs, don't talk bad or use bad language, and dress appropriately. Some ways to keep you from having freedom and true independence is going out and doing drugs, drinking alcohol, having sexual interactions, bullying others, using foul language, and dressing inappropriately.