Ear, Nose,
and Throat
Doctor Duties
and Responsibilities: Ear, nose and throat specialists, also known as sts
are medical doctors responsible for surgical and medical treatment of the ears,
nose, and throat, as well related head and neck areas. Specialized skills
of otolaryngologists include managing disorders of the upper pharynx (voice
box), ears, nose and nasal passage, and face and neck. They handle cases such
as nosebleeds, adenoidectomies, infected mastoids, tonsillectomies, and
Salary: $205,000
per year
At least 5 years of training in a surgical residency. This compromises a
1 year course in general surgery and a 4 year course in otolaryngology. Most
start with a medical education with a Bachelor of Science degree, but those
with a Bachelor of Arts degree also accepted into some medical programs.
Reflection: I
would like to be a ENT doctor because you can help them with any problems
dealing with throat ear and nose. Also you can identify if they have a virus
and help some tumors that are growing within these areas.